Archive for April 8th, 2008

Don’t forward this article to someone you care about

April 8, 2008

because if you do you’re trying to tell somebody that he/she is about to be/get RIFT’ed, canned, made redundant, let go, fired, downsized, rightsized, eliminated, pink-slipped, sacked, terminated, relieved of duty, given the opportunity to explore other possibilities, laid off, etc etc. You get the idea.


One moment in (Java) time

April 8, 2008


Java Tournament Championship

April 8, 2008

Note: Read the description and explanation of the tournament.

These two competitors are pretty much mirrors of the other.

Ruby on Rails, the highly regarded (and publicized) is a full stack framework
based on the Ruby language. It features an easy to use ORM implementation called ActiveRecord.
It is strongly MVC.
Documentation and support a real strength here.
Need to learn Ruby to use this. (both finalists are based on a scriptig language)
Uses ActiveRecord for ORM integration.
Ruby templates for view.

Grails is a relatively new framework based on Groovy, a Java implementation scripting language designed to be most
like Java itself while providing the advantages of a dynamically typed language.
MVC model, much based on ROR
has its own templating view technology (GSP)
based on Spring MVC and Spring, Hibernate for ORM
need to learn Groovy
GORM – built in ORM based on Hibernate

ROR: 9 G: 9

AJAX support
ROR: 4 G: 3

ROR: 10 G: 8

Backward compatibility
ROR: 3 G: 3

ROR: 10 G: 8

Database integration
ROR: 5 G: 7

ROR: 5 G: 7

ROR: 3 G: 3

How complex is it
ROR: 9 G: 9

ROR: 3 G: 3

Separation of concerns
ROR: 6 G: 6

file upload
ROR: 4 G: 4

plug in SSO
ROR: 4 G: 4

JROR 75 Grails 74