Posts Tagged ‘airplanes’

Pretzels, some head, and free membership in the Mile High Club

June 26, 2008

Apparently as a joke (British humor?) the CEO of Ryanair offered to give his business class passengers blowjobs, and thus automatic membership in the Mile High Club, on the new transcontinental flights on offer now from the el cheapo British carrier. It is unclear whether this is a legal offer.

Frankly sex in first class is not new. Singapore AIr felt compelled to ban sexual relations on its new Airbus A380 flights when service began last year. If you plan on getting lucky in flight, watch this. It could be exciting. Reminds me of the time I used to work at Nortel and this happened while I was there (real shame, both were married but not to each other, and the offending parties were actually charged with a crime). Once something’s been on the Net, it stays.

I would talk about a lesbian Mile High Club, but that would NSFW.

Unfortunately I am not a standing member of the club.  I guess most people join the club while standing.

If you read the first paragraph in a bad sort of way it implies that the CEO himself is giving the blowjobs instead of paying someone else to do them. I regret any misunderstandings.