Archive for March 18th, 2008

Bear Stearns market cap may be worth less than A Rod

March 18, 2008 – Bear Stearns sold for $236 million to JP Morgan = $275 million contract with NY Yankees, plus possibility of $30 million bonus

Caveat: A Rod’s money is over 10 years, so the present value of the $275 million may be less than $256 million (for example, a simple present value calculation, making the oversimplified assumption that he gets the $275 million as a lump sum in 10 years, at 5% simple interest a year, says that the present value of his contract would be ~ $169 million, give or take his potential bonus), but you get the idea.

Then again: some believe that JP Morgan may be overpaying for Bear Stearns. A commenter on the first linked article says that Bear Sterns is worth less than the compensation of the top four executives at Goldman Sachs Group.